A great story keeps everyone listening.

Our work with businesses


Your business story is one of your greatest assets for attracting new customers, investors, and employees. At Stellar, we partner with you to create a culture of storytelling at your company so that everyone, from your administrative staff to your executive team, can tell your business story effectively.

In addition, we help clients host unforgettable industry events that include compelling storytelling components. We also develop and lead workplace programs that reinforce your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and that foster meaningful relationships between employees, especially during this period of social distancing.


  • Professional development workshops and coaching: While many professionals are able to intuitively identify a good story, the process of crafting one in the most compelling way can be more difficult. Through Stellar’s custom training programs and executive coaching, we provide your employees with the skills and confidence to use storytelling in a variety of professional settings, whether making a deck presentation more engaging or delivering an inspiring speech at a conference.

  • Industry-specific events: At Stellar, our team has partnered with a variety of institutions, from pharmaceutical companies to accounting firms, to introduce storytelling showcases and training programs at events ranging from national conferences to local networking forums. Explore how you can raise your business profile and elevate upcoming events.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs: Business leaders worldwide are increasingly seeking to attract, retain, and promote talent of all identities and backgrounds. At Stellar, we deliver unique virtual and in-person programs for businesses that explore DEI-related topics through stories shared from within and outside your business. Our programs contribute to more inclusive workplaces and strengthen relationships among colleagues.


While storytelling is the oldest communication tool and universally practiced worldwide, we also know that your company is unique. At Stellar, our leadership collaborates with CEOs, human resources departments, and DEI committees to identify how storytelling can best benefit your business.

Once clear goals are outlined, we customize our training and events to meet your needs. Given our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we will recommend how to elevate voices of people of color, immigrants, and individuals with disabilities.

Employees we have worked with have found our programs to not only be valuable to their professional work, but equally meaningful in their personal lives. Stellar also often invites clients equipped with their new skills to tell their stories on national television and other platforms.

Let’s discover together how we can enhance your business story.

Stellar works with clients worldwide. We deliver programs online or in-person.

“Our storytelling program has become especially popular. In addition to advancing their public speaking skills, participants report a greater sense of belonging in the company. Importantly, their colleagues deepen their appreciation for the diversity among our teams. These outcomes contribute to our overall DEI goals."

- Sara Nochur, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer at Alynylam Pharmaceuticals